
The Only Online Homeschool Planner You’ll Ever Need | A Homeschool Planet Review

The Only Online Homeschool Planner You’ll Ever Need | A Homeschool Planet Review

Inside: There are many online homeschool planners to choose from but what’s possibly the best homeschool planner? I think it’s Homeschool Planet because of its features and automation as well as its ease-of-use. Let’s talk about something close to my heart, planning. You know I love my paper planners but…

Starting Your Homeschool Preschool: A Child-Led Journey to Develop a Love for Learning

Starting Your Homeschool Preschool: A Child-Led Journey to Develop a Love for Learning

Inside: Ready to jump into homeschooling your preschooler with both feet? This guide’s packed with advice to make learning at home a long-term success for you and your preschooler. We’ll chat about why letting your kiddo lead the way with their curiosity can make all the difference but also about…

Benefits of Homeschooling an Only Child | Pros and Cons

Benefits of Homeschooling an Only Child | Pros and Cons

Inside: Ever wondered what makes homeschooling an only child so special? Discover why homeschooling an only child tops the charts! Join us as we unravel the unique benefits and address some concerns. Learn why this might be the best decision you’ll ever make for your family’s future. Thinking about homeschooling…

Stop Overemphasizing Socializing Homeschoolers | The Teen Edition

Stop Overemphasizing Socializing Homeschoolers | The Teen Edition

Inside: Tackling the hot topic of socializing homeschoolers, this article navigates the delicate balance between actively seeking social opportunities and honoring the unique individuality of each homeschooled child. “What about socialization?” This omnipresent, cringey socialization question is often the first one you’ll hear when you start homeschooling. It’s been dubbed…

The Art of Child-Led Learning: A Homeschooling Trend Worth Following?

The Art of Child-Led Learning: A Homeschooling Trend Worth Following?

Inside: Ever wondered about the magic formula for instilling a lifelong love of learning in kids? The answer lies in balancing child-led learning with structured guidance. This approach creates a flexible yet focused educational experience that sparks curiosity and allows skills to develop at each child’s unique pace. When I…

10 Tips for Teaching Multiplication to Struggling Students

10 Tips for Teaching Multiplication to Struggling Students

After going through Algebra 1 and elementary math in our homeschool, I can say with certainty that teaching basic math is sometimes more difficult than Algebra 1. We had our fair share of hurdles in math, despite my rising 7th grader getting ready for high school Geometry for the upcoming…

The 5 Key Features A Homeschool Planner Should Have To Make Your Life Easier | Focused Planners

The 5 Key Features A Homeschool Planner Should Have To Make Your Life Easier | Focused Planners

As homeschool moms, we all know how important it is to stay on top of things, to be organized, and to balance the various aspects of our life. Homeschooling is an amazing journey but also a big responsibility that requires planning and organizing. That’s why homeschool planners, whether paper or…

How to choose the best 6th grade homeschool curriculum | Eclectic curriculum

How to choose the best 6th grade homeschool curriculum | Eclectic curriculum

When it comes to choosing a 6th grade homeschool curriculum, it’s important to find one that works well for both you and your child. Keep in mind that there is no perfect curriculum, but you can come pretty close to perfection by selecting a combination that makes sense for both…

Our Planning Secrets | Homeschool Student Planner & How We Plan Our Homeschool Year  (part 2)

Our Planning Secrets | Homeschool Student Planner & How We Plan Our Homeschool Year (part 2)

Homeschool planning doesn’t have to be complicated or take a lot of time and I discovered that including kids in the planning process will make them more involved in their learning, giving them the opportunity to take learning into their own hands. My ultimate homeschooling goal is to get my…

10 Summer Ideas for Homeschooling Fun & Exploration – part 2

10 Summer Ideas for Homeschooling Fun & Exploration – part 2

Because I promised we don’t only do academic stuff during the summer, here’s part two of our plans for the next couple of months. I condensed them into 10 summer ideas for homeschooling fun and exploration. You can read about our planner, summer learning, activities, and why we chose to…

How to find cheap books and textbooks for homeschooling

How to find cheap books and textbooks for homeschooling

Homeschooling internationally and particularly buying books and textbooks, isn’t cheap. But by researching and choosing wisely, you can keep your expenses minimal while still getting all the books you need. Because a new homeschooling year is looming closer, I decided to write about how I manage to keep costs down…

How We Do Book Reports- 4th Grade Literature

How We Do Book Reports- 4th Grade Literature

What do you do for literature? Do you do book reports for 4th grade? This year, after discussing with our teacher, we decided to take a different approach to the traditional comprehension questions by focusing on book reports instead. Marc doesn’t like writing, and writing composition is difficult for him….

Homeschooling 101 –  The Homeschooling Beginner Guide

Homeschooling 101 – The Homeschooling Beginner Guide

Inside: Beginning homeschooling might feel overwhelming and scary, but with a little research and armed with some good resources for both parents and kids, you can start to carve your own path in this wonderful world of homeschooling. In the current global climate, homeschooling has emerged as a viable and…

Homeschooling in Europe – Picking an Accredited or an Umbrella School

Homeschooling in Europe – Picking an Accredited or an Umbrella School

Inside: Considering Homeschooling in Europe? You might need to choose an umbrella or accredited school But among the many options, which one should you choose? This article explains the differences between the various types of schools and what accreditations to look for. Homeschooling in Europe isn’t always straightforward. Fortunately, if…

Homeschooling with Bridgeway Academy Review- The Most Flexible School

Homeschooling with Bridgeway Academy Review- The Most Flexible School

We’ve been homeschooling with Bridgeway Academy for almost 2 years now and we couldn’t be happier. Here’s our review and experience with them. UPDATE 2022: Since this post has been useful to so many parents, here are some changes that Bridgeway Academy rolled in since I wrote this post: Everything…

Our 4th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Choices for Secular, Eclectic Homeschoolers

Our 4th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Choices for Secular, Eclectic Homeschoolers

Inside: The main challenge for eclectic homeschoolers is to balance all the bits and pieces and create a functional curriculum, but language arts always seems to be the hardest to piece together because so many pieces overlap. Keep reading to find out how we pieced together our 4th grade language…