greg landry homeschool science monkeyandmom

Greg Landry Homeschool Science – Life Prep Physics | Review (✞)

Finding the right science curriculum can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not well-versed in science yourself (🙋🏻‍♀️). Add a high schooler that hates science to the mix, so what should you choose for them?

Greg Landry Homeschool Science provides a Christian-focused high school science curriculum for non-STEM learners. In this review, I’ll be sharing our experience with the Life Prep Physics program, including the key points to consider and any potential drawbacks.

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Greg Landry Homeschool Science Self Paced Classes

Greg Landry Homeschool Science offers life prep classes that are great for children that don’t want to follow a STEM path or a college education. These science classes are accessible to even the most science-impaired students.

One of the benefits of choosing Greg’s classes is that they also have complementary online labs which make labwork a breeze and are highly interactive.

The downsides of this program are the fact that it’s not suitable for college-bound students and it presents science from a creationist point of view, which might not be enough for STEM-oriented careers.

Our rating:

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Grades: 4-12

Style: online

Type: Christian

Components: video + PDF + labs

Price: $ 180 (classes) + $90 (lab)


  • self-paced
  • online labs
  • everything is included
  • teaches kids the basics of physics
  • suitable for younger kids or non-STEM kids
  • taught by a professor


  • might be too light for some children
  • young Earth perspective

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About Greg Landry and his homeschool science classes

Greg Landry is a former college professor and homeschool dad with 20+ years of experience. He is teaching science to homeschoolers from a faith-based viewpoint.

This isn’t the first time we’re using one of Professor Landry’s courses. We’ve previously covered the homeschool labs at home and his science membership option. I love the self-paced and online class options that he provides, and I think you will, too.

As a busy homeschooling parent, having flexible options like these is a game-changer for our family because my son can work through these at his own pace.

Who are these classes for?

Greg Landry offers online science and math classes specifically designed for homeschooling students from 4th to 12th grade. These classes have a Christ-centered approach, integrating a Christian worldview into the scientific and mathematical content.

But, while the classes are taught from a Christian and young Earth creationist perspective, they also encourage critical thinking and reasoning. Students are encouraged to think critically, analyze different viewpoints, and develop their own convictions. The aim is to equip students with the ability to defend their beliefs while fostering a well-rounded educational experience.

Despite their focus on a Christian worldview, Greg Landry openly welcomes students from all backgrounds and beliefs.

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You can choose standard high school level science and math courses, including Biology, Chemistry, Conceptual Physics, Geometry, and Consumer Math. The classes are designed to be accessible, so they don’t have any science or math prerequisites.

This means that even students with little to no prior science knowledge can take these courses and learn from them.

All classes are held on Canvas, a well-known learning management system that’s very easy to navigate. While for the online classes kids will make use of more features, like the calendar for deadlines and get graded on their work by Professor Landry himself, in the self-paced classes students have access to these features, too.

Self-paced classes

These classes offer the student a lot of flexibility because they can complete them at their own pace. These consist of pre-recorded videos of Professor Landry and printable PDF files of the textbooks.

Additionally, the professor is available for any questions and kids can contact him directly through Canvas.

The self-paced option is perfect for families who want to take their time and fully understand the material. If you’re interested in these self-paced options but also want to include lab activities, you might consider subscribing to the virtual online labs or the Homeschool Science Family Membership, which includes all the self-paced labs and classes. With these resources, you can have a well-rounded homeschool science curriculum.

Now, let’s dive into the online classes.

Online classes

Greg Landry also offers a virtual classroom experience for families that need a more strict schedule with his online science classes.

All online classes offer the possibility to attend live classes or watch the recording 24/7, communicate with Professor Landry via email, and take exams and turn in assignments in the Canvas homeroom.

Greg Landry grades all the assignments in online classes, so that means no stress on the parent.

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Life prep science classes

Life Prep science classes are classes designed for students who are not planning to pursue a career in science or math.

These courses are less rigorous than traditional science classes and focus on providing students with a basic understanding of the subject matter. Students are not expected to complete many challenging assignments or conduct a lot of experiments.

One of the benefits of Life Prep classes is that they are self-paced. This means that students can work at their own pace and take as much time as they need to complete the course. This is especially beneficial for students who struggle with science or math. They can take their time to understand the material and ask questions when they need help.

Life prep physics self-paced science

I’m excited to start Life Prep Physics with Marc this summer. Although designed for non-science students, I thought it might be a great introduction to physics before we dive into 7th grade. He has the possibility to get a glimpse into higher-level physics without the rigor of a full physics high school course.

We finished middle school physics in 6th grade with Focus on Middle School from Real Science4Kids.

Greg’s physics course covers a variety of topics, such as physics principles, equations, and practical applications.

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As with all other subjects, this course is presented from a young Earth worldview. Professor Landry starts each class with a prayer, and there are Bible quotes at the bottom of some worksheets. This gives students a unique perspective on the topic of physics while still retaining Christian values in their education.

This course covers everything kids need to know, starting from the very basics of note-taking, the basic math required for physics and measurements, all the way up to physics concepts. The topics cover foundational concepts in physics, such as forces, motion, energy, waves, and properties of matter.

Course Components

Each self-paced class has multiple components included, so let’s have a look at the course components of the physics class for reference.


Since this is a self-paced class, you’ll have access to pre-recorded video lectures featuring Professor Landry. There are 25 videos in total.

The videos have been recorded during live classes, so there is a chat box on the right-hand side of the screen, showing how students from the live classes interacted and how they answered questions.

Because these videos are pre-recorded, kids can pause, revisit sections, and even choose the speed of the videos.

Professor Landry is presenting his classes directly on the PDF pages included in the course, making it easy to follow and understand where to look for information. The classes are engaging and they feature clear explanations so that even non-science kids can follow through.

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PDF printables

Professor Landry actually created the textbooks for these courses. So he is obviously the best person to teach the course. The textbooks are full-color PDF books that you can print.

There are 8 PDF files, covering 48 pages of content, both information pages and worksheets. These books are filled with illustrations that are not only visually appealing but also help kids relate science concepts to their daily life.

The illustrations used to explain physics concepts are clear and I love the choice of examples. For example, to illustrate force, inertia is defined as a status quo and the illustration shows a basket ball at rest. In another illustration, kids are pulling against each other in a tug-of-war to demonstrate force.

Professor Landry makes use of simple examples to gently introduce physics principles and math concepts to kids.

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Testing and assessment

Lastly, the course also offers optional testing materials to help parents gauge their kids’ understanding of the topics covered.

Each test in the Physics course is designed to be concise and focused, spanning just one page in length. These are true/false tests, which makes testing less intimidating, especially for students who feel overwhelmed.

There’s a total of eight tests, each covering multiple chapters. They serve as checkpoints to assess comprehension of the covered material at various intervals.

Parents will check/grade these with the help of the answer sheets provided.

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Physics concepts covered

This class covers all the typical physics topics for non-science students. The course is designed to be interesting and appealing to those who may not be planning on pursuing science majors in college or aren’t planning on going to college at all.

Here are the concepts covered:

Part 1:Part 2:Part 3:Part 4:
Introduction to physicsThe scientific method, lab reports, and graphingAtoms, matter, and magnitude perspectiveWork, power, and energy
Note-taking, studying, and test-takingForce, mechanical equilibrium, Newton’s 1st LawVelocity and speedSound and light
The metric system, measurement,of Motion, and significant figuresAcceleration due to gravity and free fallPendular motion
statistics, accuracy, and precisionMomentumElectromagnetic spectrum
Viscosity and buoyancy

The corresponding virtual lab for physics covers:
– Class 2 – Measurement Lab
– Class 6 – Average Speed and Velocity Lab
– Class 7 – Acceleration of Objects in Freefall Lab
– Class 8 – Momentum Lab
– Class 9 – Work, Power, and Caloric Expenditure Lab
– Class 11 – Effect of Pendulum Length on Period Lab
– Class 13 – Archimedes Principle Lab
– Class 13 – Viscosity of Liquids Lab
– Class 15 – Density Determination Lab
– Class 17 – Electricity Lab
– Class 20 – Newton’s Second Law of Motion Lab

Young Earth worldview

As many of you know, we prefer using secular materials and not mixing religion with other subjects, but sometimes we make exceptions to this rule or we adapt materials to fit our requirements. I will always mention which materials are religious/Christian or neutral, so you can choose whatever works for your family.

Since religion plays a big role in Greg Landry’s courses, I think it’s important to touch on the views he has.

Greg Landry believes that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God, and this provides the foundation for all his teaching. His physics course is taught from a young Earth creationist perspective, which means that he believes in the literal interpretation of the biblical account of creation. He also believes that the universe is only a few thousand years old and that God created the world in six 24-hour days.

This worldview shapes the way he teaches physics, as not just a subject to be studied in isolation, but that is part of a larger picture of God’s creation.

Greg Landry Science Labs online – Physics

As homeschoolers, setting up expensive labs at home is not an option for most parents. That’s why I love this unique feature of Greg Landry Homeschool Science, the online labs.

With his online labs, kids can participate in physics experiments and collect data just like they would in a traditional lab setting. Aside from physics, he also has options for anatomy and physiology, as well as chemistry.

Please note that these labs must be bought separately for self-paced classes. Additionally, you could opt for the 12-month family subscription to have access to all labs and self-paced classes.

Everything in the labs is highly interactive. Kids can drag-and-drop items, watch experiments unfurl, take notes on what happens when you change variables, and so much more. They interact with lab equipment, much the same as they would in a traditional lab setting, but everything is online.

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Homeschool science freebies and more

Aside from classes and labs, Greg Landry also offers a series of freebies for parents, on his site. The Freebies section offers a wealth of materials that can help students learn about a range of science topics, from earth science to viruses. If you want to get a glimpse into the way Greg Landry approaches science, make sure you don’t miss these extras.

And if you’re in need of some encouragement when it comes to teaching science in your homeschool, don’t miss out on the Homeschool Moms Science Podcast, a podcast dedicated to helping homeschool moms teach science and make it interesting.

Key points and things to consider

Even though Marc is advanced in science, I feel that Greg Landry’s classes and labs help him review and organize what he knows, making these classes a great summer option for us.

What I truly appreciate about these classes are the online labs. Setting up experiments isn’t always an option and some of the materials can be expensive. This is why having virtual labs is so important for us.

I also appreciate that the classes are flexible, allowing students to learn at their own pace, and the curriculum is well-structured and engaging.

Benefits of using Greg Landry’s self-paced homeschool science classes

I love the perks of using Greg Landry’s self-paced classes because they come with everything you need to teach science.


The lessons are well-organized, easy to understand, and cover the essentials needed for general knowledge. Professor Landry has created complete homeschool science curriculums that include video lessons, PDF books, and online labs. Kids only need a notebook and colored pencils to get started with these classes.


One of the great things about Greg Landry’s classes is that they are engaging. The video lessons are easy to follow through, and the PDF books are clean and simple to work from. Kids can learn science at their own pace.

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I love that Greg is available for help at any time, even with the self-paced classes. Teacher help is very important when it comes to STEM subjects, especially if parents are busy or not very good at the subject themselves.

For non-science kids

I know many families have kids that aren’t science or math inclined, but they still need to cover these subjects as part of their high school requirements. So, for them, having options like the Greg Landry Homeschool Science makes a world of difference because their high schoolers can learn math and science without the rigorous demands of traditional courses.

Downsides of using Greg Landry’s classes

As much as I love Greg Landry’s self-paced science classes, I have to admit that there are some downsides to consider.

Firstly, these self-paced classes are not suitable for STEM-oriented high schoolers, who require more advanced materials. So if you have a high schooler that’s well-versed in science or plans to follow a STEM career, look elsewhere.

Additionally, these classes are presented from a young Earth perspective (literal take on the Bible) that doesn’t necessarily align with mainstream science education. Just a point to consider for those with children interested in pursuing a major STEM path.

Final Thoughts

Greg Landry’s classes are a great resource for Christian homeschool families that want to teach science from a creationist perspective. They’re also a great choice for high schoolers that aren’t STEM-oriented, or do not wish to pursue a college degree.

The unique online labs are a welcome option for families that don’t have the possibility to create real labs at home, and they complement the video lessons nicely.

While there are certainly some things to consider before enrolling, I believe that Greg Landry Homeschool Science can be an invaluable resource for Christian homeschool families.

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