An IEW Structure and Style for Students Review – From Doubt to Confidence (VI)
Are you a homeschool mom struggling with reluctant or disorganized writers? For the past six blog posts, we’ve been looking at IEW Structure and Style for Students in a complete review of the homeschool writing curriculum that has the potential to revolutionize how we teach writing.
We’re now at the end of this Structure and Style review series and I want to thank you all for joining me. It’s been a real adventure pulling this series together!
Here are my other posts:
- the world needs holistic writing curricula like IEW
- the three writing programs of the Institute for Excellence in Writing
- components of Structure and Style for Students
- how to enrich your writing experience with 10+ tools from IEW
- the differences and similarities between level A year 1 and Year 2
- (THIS ARTICLE) why is Structure and Style for Students such a popular curriculum?
As an experienced homeschooler and writing enthusiast, I’ve witnessed the magic of this program firsthand for the past two years. So hopefully, this series helps you discover some new points about this comprehensive homeschool writing curriculum. We love it, and I hope you’ll love it, too.
I am and IEW affiliate (this post contains affiliate links). However, I bought my own materials and this is genuinely a program we love in our homeschooling. Even so, I would never endorse or recommend programs we wouldn’t or don’t use ourselves. Read more about it in my Disclosure.
IEW Structure and Style for Students Writing Curriculum Review
With IEW writing, students learn how to develop their writing skills, boost their confidence, and shift their mindset towards writing.
This quality-driven curriculum breaks down the writing process into manageable steps and their writing lessons are focusing on developing young writers’ confidence as well as equipping them to tackle any writing assignment.
SSS goes beyond writing techniques, into developing the whole writer, through an incredibly well-rounded curriculum that’s both rigorous and flexible, making it an amazing option for a large spectrum of writers.
Over the years, parents have been raving about this homeschool writing curriculum, but there are also some parts of this curriculum that are misunderstood. Is it really too formuaic, too expensive, too repetitive? Join me to find out more about it.
Pin this image to read the article later. 📌
Our rating:
Grades: 3-12
Style: mastery-based writing curriculum
Type: secular/neutral
Components: video lessons, student packet and binder, teacher’s manual, IEW pdf
Price: $ 169-289
Formats: PDF or printed book
Do you prefer watching a video to reading, my YouTube video has all the essential bits from this article:
What is the Institute for Excellence in Writing – Structure and Style for Students?
We’ve already covered all this in the previous posts, but here’s a quick unveiling of IEW— Institute for Excellence in Writing®.
IEW is on a mission to empower students of all ages to become confident wordsmiths. Among their exceptional offerings, Structure and Style for Students (SSS) takes center stage. SSS is more than just a program; it’s a writing revolution!
Structure and Style is an update of their old writing course, Student Writing Intensive; an upgrade that’s worth the hype!
SSS has cracked the code to effective writing. This video course, taught by Andrew Pudewa, is designed to build a rock-solid foundation in writing skills. Through decorations and advanced stylistic techniques, banned words and lists of strong verbs and quality adjectives, IEW teaches students to use the tools in their writing toolbox to generate writing that is well-organized and clear to read.
How does this all work?
By encouraging imitation as a gateway to creativity. By changing kids’ mindsets when it comes to writing. By introducing young students to model charts and outlines. By immersing them in the world of progymnasmata—a series of rhetorical exercises that strengthen their ability to structure thoughts with precision.
By focusing on developing the whole writer from the mindset up. SSS adopts an incremental approach, allowing students to blossom at their own pace and develop writing confidence.
Eventually, kids will internalize the structure and style of great writing and they will start applying the techniques they learned from SSS in all theie writing pieces. (I have seen this first hand with Marc and heard it from countless other parents).
And the parents? They can either watch the video lessons with the kids or take a separate course called Teaching Writing: Structure and Style, a teacher training course to help them understand the IEW methodology better and be able to support their kids.
IEW Structure and Style 2A* is the level we just completed for 6th grade writing curriculum this year and we are moving on to level B year 1 next school year (with my rising 7th grader).
*2A is the second year of level A, which covers grades 4-6. A word of caution: 2A is meant to be done after you complete Structure and Style for Students Year 1 level A. You always want to start with Structure and Style® for Students Year 1 if you are new to the program!
How does a full lesson of IEW Structure and Style for Students 2A look like?
Are you curious about how a lesson in Structure and Style for Students (SSS) 2A looks like? While you can try any SSS level for free for three weeks, I thought it would be exciting to take you on a virtual tour of a Structure and Style for Students Year 2 Level A lesson.
Keep in mind that we may do things differently from the suggested approach, but that just goes to show the program’s adaptability and flexibility because you can do things at your own pace and prefrence. To enhance your understanding, I’ve included photos of Marc’s progress as he completes a SSS 2A lesson.
Let’s dive into Week 21: Old Recipes from Unit 8: Formal Essay Models and explore the steps we take together.
Teacher side
The Teacher’s Manual offers detailed recommendations on how to structure a lesson over four or five days. While I typically start with the teacher manual, we’ve developed our own pace and preferred method of approaching the lessons. So we don’t really use the manual in our home.
Here are the key points covered in the teacher’s manual (some of which I previously discussed in the Structure and Style for Students components article):
- Optional: These are optional sections that provide additional guidance for the lesson, should your kids need it.
- Student Pages: All the student pages are conveniently included in the teacher’s manual with corresponding numbers for easy reference.
- Teacher Suggestions and Help: Look out for gray boxes containing invaluable insights such as whiteboard notes from the classes, vocabulary, tips for implementing the lesson, homework overviews, and more.
So how does this manual guide parents?
On the first page of this week you have an overview of everything you have to do and some optional work in case you choose to integrate these:
- The page opens with a gray box withe suggestions for teacher prep. If you own Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS) and want to prepare for Lesson 21, the manual tells you to watch TWSS video 8 (a concise 6-minute video), where you can also review student samples to know what to expect from your kids.
- You also get an optional literature suggestion. All the suggested books for the year can be found at the beginning of your manual.
- An overview of the week ahead (this is exactly what kids have in their packets, too). You have every task ahead broken down by day:
- Day 1: kids will watch the video of Andrew Pudewa explaining the expanded essay model and annotation.
- Day 2: students will write a key word outline (KWO) based on their notes taken in day 1 and they will begin writing the body paragraphs of their essay.
- Day 3: kids are asked to finish writing their body paragraphs, and make sure they start each paragraph with a topic sentence and end it with a clincher sentence. They need to highlight or bold 2-3 key words that repeat or reflect the topic-clincher sentences.
- Days 4 and 5: kids are given a conclusion and introduction worksheet where they will have to follow the instructions to craft their final paragraphs. These also need to have topic-clincher sentences. After this, kids are asked to write a title for their essay using words from their final sentence. Finally, kids have to look over the checklist provided to include dress ups and other requirements.
[ Please note you can adapt the checklist requirement to your homeschool. IEW suggests you always follow their EZ+1, which means you go at the kids’ pace and introduce new requirements as they master old ones]
- Optional: you also have the corresponding Fix It! Grammar schedule included in the weekly overview if you want to incorporate grammar from IEW in your language arts.
Get ready to watch the video lessons alongside your children, especially if you don’t have the TWSS, and offer guidance whenever necessary. The videos provide clear explanations, requiring virtually no preparation on your part.
The actual teaching instructions are done in the video lessons, so you will only get annotated student pages and some extra tips in the teacher manual.
Student lessons
For writing instruction, your kids will watch Mr. Pudewa teach writing skills to a classroom full of students their age. You can join in so you know what to expect from their writing at the end of the week.
You can follow the suggested schedule which will take students through the following steps (they are the same as in the teacher manual above):
- Watch the video for Lesson 21, carefully following the instructions provided.
- Select four topics from the source texts presented, create a Keyword Outline (KWO) for your essay, and begin working on the body of your composition.
- Write the body paragraphs, ensuring that you’ve included all the elements on the checklist.
- Write an introduction and conclusion, finalizing the rough draft of your composition.
- Submit the rough draft to your editor for review.
- Produce the final copy of your composition.
How we finish SSS in 3 days a week
Since we don’t strictly adhere to the suggested workflow, our three-day schedule looks slightly different:
- Day 1: Watch the video and complete the KWO. On the first day, Marc watches the entire video and creates the KWO (handwritten). Sometimes I watch it with him, but since we are both familiar with the program, he can do this independently (I just check the essentials covered in my teacher’s manual)
- Day 2: Write the first draft. Marc types the first draft of the KWO, referring to the student checklist to incorporate dress-ups and enhance his writing. If he gets stuck, he will move on, because we will work on it together.
- Day 3: Edit the composition with Mom’s assistance and produce the final version. He prints the draft, and together we review and refine it, making sure to include any missing points from the checklist. Although he still needs guidance to include all the necessary elements, he has become adept at identifying areas where better word choices could be made. Once we’re done, he independently edits the final draft and prints it. I correct and grade it.
As you can see, SSS offers flexibility, allowing us to adapt the instruction to our specific needs and preferences.
Here are some samples of the work Marc was doing on the Week 21 composition following our 3-day schedule. You can see how his writing builds up in an organized fashion from the key word outline, to the final draft. He knows exactly what to write and how to write it now.
The Editor: a parent’s role with writing Structure and Style for Students
As homeschool parents, we know just how important our involvement is in every aspect of our kids’ learning. That’s why I want to highlight our crucial role as editors and mentors in the Structure and Style for Students (SSS) from IEW.
Editing may not sound like the most glamorous task, but trust me, it’s where the magic happens. Our role as editors is to guide our children, correct any spelling and punctuation errors, and ensure they include all the necessary elements in their work.
And guess what? We get rewarded for our efforts too! Our payment comes in the form of everyday chores like vacuuming or doing the dishes while we review their writing. (I love this idea from IEW!)
Now, you might be thinking, “Doesn’t that mean I’m not really teaching?” Well, that’s the beauty of SSS—it shifts our role from being the direct instructor to being the editor and facilitator. I can’t say I regret not being the main teacher for writing to my reluctant writer. Being a self-paced video program, Mr Pudewa can repeat himself as many times as needed sounding calm and composed every time (something Mom can’t always achieve).
As editors, our main responsibilities are:
1. Familiarize ourselves with the program
Take the time to become familiar with the Structure and Style for Students either by completing the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style or by watching the SSS video lessons with the children.
This will help you to better understand what your child is learning and provide the necessary tools for you to correct the compositions or guide your children if needed.
2. Provide encouragement and help
Writing can be challenging, especially for young learners. That’s where we come in.
Some children, like Marc, won’t be able to complete all the checklist requirements on their own, and that’s ok. Some won’t be able to keep up with their writing: be their scribe, or let them type for a while. The beauty of any homeschool curriculum is that it can be adapted to suit your children.
3. Monitor progress
While you might fall into the trap of “this is a program they can do independently” (since you won’t be doing the direct instruction) it’s easy to think you can just let children follow the program on their own.
It’s true that some kids will need less hand-holding, but make sure to edit, sit and correct mistakes or help them see if there’s a better way to write what they wanted.
This program might not require a lot of parental involvement, but you need to stay on top of things.
4. Editing and grading writing assignments
In Mr. Pudewa’s class, there are only two grades: A (Accepted) or I (Incomplete). It’s a refreshing approach that focuses on nurturing our children’s growth as confident writers.
As parents, we have a couple of options when it comes to grading. We can choose to follow Mr. Pudewa’s suggestion of providing edits without implementing a formal grading system. Alternatively, we can use the provided point checklist to grade their work and track their progress It’s entirely up to us!
Here’s an example of a regular checklist and a point checklist. You can download the point checklist from the pdf files that come with your purchase (see the blue page from the teacher’s manual).
5. Help kids at their level
Each child is unique, and so are their writing needs. The beauty of SSS lies in the fact that it works exceptionally well for a broad spectrum of writers, regardless of their relationship with writing.
Advanced writers
If your child is an advanced writer, consider taking the editing sessions to the next level. Transform them into collaborative brainstorming sessions, where you and your child work together to make the text even better.
You could also opt to combine a Themed Based Writing book for an extra challenge and more writing assignments.
Additionally, you can encourage children to use their knowledge and checklists outside of Structure and Style for Students classes and incorporate what they’ve learned in all their written assignments.
Struggling writers
On the other hand, if your child is a struggling writer, fear not! According to Mr. Pudewa, there’s no such thing as providing too much help. This is something I’ve taken as my mantra in our homeschol and I am there to help and support Marc whenever he is stuck.
Be their guide or even their scribe if needed. I have been Marc’s scribe for the first year of IEW. Here’s how we did it:
- We would watch the videos together.
- Marc would complete his KWO on his own.
- He would dictate the rough draft to me based on his KWO.
- We would correct and edit the draft with the checklist requiements and just ensuring it sounded right.
- I would dictate to him the final draft and he would write it by hand. (Now I allowed him to type it and I am not his scribe anymore- so I have gradually given him more responsibility).
Remember, our goal is to inspire and empower our children to become capable writers. And it all starts with building that writing confidence.
What makes this IEW curriculum so special? Eight things I love about IEW as our homeschool writing curriculum
I’m rarely impressed enough by a curriculum to say that I would blindly recommend it to anyone, but this is one of those rare curricula that I absolutely urge you to try out.
IEW is offering 3 weeks of SSS for free, so take advantage of this offer and try it out, but make sure you don’t judge the whole program by those three weeks because there is so much more to it.
{Just a small note here: this is the ONLY homeschool curriculum program that I can firmly say we will be using until the end of high school without any regrets and doubts and that should account for something coming from an eclectic homeschooler.}
Moreover, IEW offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee that has no time limit. This means that you can always return your items for a refund from IEW.
“The vast majority of our customers are very satisfied with the materials they purchase. They see their students’ progress and develop into strong communicators. Hearing your success stories fills us with joy. We want everyone to know with confidence that we are here to support you as you find the perfect resources for your students. If you aren’t satisfied, we aren’t either. We look forward to partnering with you to equip you with resources you are delighted in. In fact, we guarantee it.”
Institute for Excellence in Writing
I’ve thoroughly explored the program over the past two years, here are the eight things that I feel make it truly an exceptional choice for anyone looking for a serious, well-organized, homeschool writing curriculum:
① Develops Stong Writing Skills in Every Child
Let me tell you something about Structure and Style for Students: it works for virtually every child! Does your writer struggle? IEW’s gentle approach will have them change their writing mindset. Do you have a gifted writer? This program will take them higher, teaching them how to organize and present their work in a clear manner while exposing them to academic writing.
Many of you will nod their heads in approval to this, because I know many of us have struggling writers. Marc used to break into tears at the mere mention of writing a paragraph. His compositions resembled a wild collage of scattered thoughts, lacking structure and coherence. But guess what? Thanks to the magic of SSS, he’s now a composition conqueror in the making (well, at least from my perspective, he’s taken a giant leap in 2 years).
I can proudly say that he is gradually unlocking the secret to writing great compositions. SSS has armed him with the knowledge of proper structure, effective planning techniques, and the art of captivating readers. His writing has flourished and I am still amazed at the progress when I remember where we started.
And it’s not just Marc who’s reaping the rewards. One of my friend’s daughters, a naturally gifted writer and a dedicated wordsmith (with published works), couldn’t resist the allure of SSS either. She adores Mr. Pudewa and has learned so much about organizing her work, planning out her writing and giving more thought to the words she is using to transmit her feelings to her audience.
And that’s not the only friend SSS has worked for! Everyone I recommended it to and tried it out found something useful to take out of this curriculum. It’s amazing how one program works for polar opposites in writing. That’s something I’ve rarely seen in the homeschool world.
SSS isn’t your run-of-the-mill writing program that focuses solely on creativity without providing the essential tools for effective expression. No, SSS teaches students the art of crafting well-structured, clear, and captivating texts that leave readers begging for more (don’t we all wish that?).
② A holistic approach to teaching writing
One of the things that I love about SSS is how it takes a holistic approach to teaching writing. It’s not just about the technical stuff—SSS goes above and beyond to develop critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication skills.
Here’s the real difference as compared to traditional writing programs: SSS doesn’t stop at writing alone, butoffers a whole package deal! With additional resources like Fix It! Grammar, literature suggestions, and other awesome tools from IEW, you can turn this curriculum into a wholesome experience.
You already have the writing and grammar down, so if you add to it something like Mosdos, Lightning Literature, literature guides, or even LLATL for literature, you can easily turn this into a full language arts curriculum.
My secret wish: that IEW comes up with a strong literature program… it would be too perfect.
And there’s even more to it! Mr. Pudewa knows that effective communication goes beyond just writing—it includes speaking too. And that’s why I absolutely adore how he seamlessly weaves speaking skills into the fabric of SSS. Now IEW has just launched their separate public speaking program for middle and high school that I am eyeing as well, but you will find elements of public speaking INSIDE SSS.
Before writing their drafts, kids are encouraged to present their key word outline out loud. They are taught how to make use of their notes to form sentences in their heads, then look at the audience while speaking. It’s a brilliant way to develop their speaking abilities and boost their confidence. By verbalizing their thoughts and ideas, they gain a deeper understanding of what they want to express in their writing.
I mean, how cool is that?
③ Easy to teach – no-stress
Let me tell you, IEW knows how to make the lives of us parents a whole lot easier. With its video-based instruction, all you have to do is hit play and let the one and only Mr. Andrew Pudewa work his magic. Trust me, he knows how to captivate an audience!
And here’s the best part: IEW understands that we, parents, are not all great writers ourselves. If the thought of teaching writing makes you break out in a cold sweat, this program is designed to support you every step of the way.
Oh, and did I mention it’s self-paced? Life gets crazy sometimes, but with SSS, you and your kids can tackle the material at your own speed. No more feeling rushed or overwhelmed. Do it all at your own pace, focusing on mastery.
④ An incremental, gentle approach to writing
The incremental approach of SSS is yet another reason why I simply love this curriculum!
Rather than bombarding your child with an avalanche of information, SSS introduces concepts gradually, building a sturdy writing foundation one brick at a time. Each lesson adds another essential piece to the puzzle, ensuring your child can absorb and master each concept with ease.
IEW cleverly presents structure through units, allowing students to grasp its importance and incorporate it into their writing effortlessly. But that’s not all! The magic lies in the “EZ+1” approach to style. As your child progresses through the levels, style is introduced in a linear fashion, adding depth and challenge at just the right moments.
⑤ Encouraging a love for writing with Andrew Pudewa
I feel that SSS is much more than just a writing curriculum. It nurtures the whole writer, encouraging the development of a positive writing mindset, boosting confidence, mastering academic writing and communication. And at the heart of this extraordinary program is a visionary man whose dedication and expertise have brought it to life.
Teaching is a labor of love, and Andrew Pudewa embodies this sentiment in all his programs. He has a remarkable ability to connect with children, speaking their language without ever talking down to them.
Watching Marc engage with Andrew’s recorded videos on a weekly basis not only made me appreciate the brilliance of his homeschool writing curriculum but also inspired me to become a better teacher myself. Andrew’s gentle and encouraging approach, his unwavering patience, and his knack for making lessons accessible to kids are the hallmarks of an exceptional educator who always puts his students first.
Andrew is the teacher I aspire to be “when I grow up”! Fun, witty, and bursting with energy, he captivates young minds with his infectious sense of humor. Every lesson begins with a joke or a string of jokes, instantly winning over the hearts of his audience. Marc can’t help but burst into laughter while watching the videos. In fact, he’s taken a liking to Andrew’s jokes and has started sharing them with us, becoming a little comedian in his own right!
IEW creates an atmosphere of joy and excitement around writing, thanks to Andrew Pudewa’s teaching style, infused with humor and enthusiasm. The curriculum celebrates personal growth, encouraging students to take pride in their work.
⑥ Personal writing growth
Let’s face it, as parents, we sometimes fall into the comparison trap, especially when it comes to our kids’ areas of struggle, like writing. But here’s what I’ve come to realize, thanks to Andrew Pudewa: the most important comparison is not with others, but with oneself.
One fantastic technique Mr. Pudewa uses is having children write a composition in 20 minutes at the beginning and end of each level. This helps you see how much children have progressed in the course of one year.
Looking back at our journey with SSS, I am blown away by the tremendous progress Marc has made in his writing.
And don’t despair if things go hard at first. When we started SSS 1A, I had to be Marc’s scribe for an entire year! Writing was a daunting task for him, filled with frustration and overwhelm. So, taking Mr. Pudewa’s advice to heart, I provided as much support as he needed.
Fast forward two years, and Marc is now writing his own texts, growing leaps and bounds each week. This lesson goes far beyond writing—it’s a lesson that applies to every challenge he’ll encounter in life:
This quote has become one of our favorites, and we can truly see its undeniable truth in the evolution of his writing!
⑦ Flexible
As an eclectic homeschooler, something I love about SSS is its ability to be customized. You have the freedom to adjust the pace, level, and even the source texts you use. Want to explore different materials or incorporate your own? SSS gives you the green light. With the TWSS, and other cool add-ons, parents can even assign their own source texts to their children.
SSS provides pacing examples in the free printables that come with the package. While we use SSS thrice a week to cover one week of curriculum, other families take their time, stretching it out over two weeks or even more. It’s all about finding the rhythm that works best for you.
Another aspect of flexibility is the grading system. Mr. Pudewa takes a different approach by using “Incomplete” or “Accepted” rather than traditional grades. However, printable checklists are available for each week, allowing parents to assign grades based on a point system if desired. It’s a great option for parents like me who need to keep track of progress and submit grades.
In a nutshell, SSS may look rigid, but it actually offers plenty of flexibility.
⑧ A writing curriculum for excellence
When I think about Structure and Style for Students, one word jumps out at me: QUALITY.
From the moment I got my hands on this curriculum, I knew I was in for something special. The materials are carefully crafted, featuring a cohesive layout that you’ll see throughout the program.
What I believe truly sets this curriculum apart is its comprehensive approach to writing. While other programs may fall short in certain areas, Structure and Style for Students covers all the bases.
I love how IEW helped Marc learn the basics of good writing organization and style without him even realizing he is actually absorbing all that exposure to good writing practices and applying it outside his writing class!
Sure, it took some time (considering how reluctant Marc was when we started), but we kept at it, and now we’re starting to see the results.
Marc’s writing went from struggling to put a paragraph together (and actually crying at every written assignment) to independently crafting five-paragraph compositions that I actually enjoy reading. It’s been amazing seeing this transformation!
But it’s not just me singing praises. Parents from all over are raving about how Structure and Style for Students has changed the writing game for their kids. They’re acing college assignments, impressing teachers, and even landing dream jobs—all because of the solid foundation this curriculum provides.
When I think about our example and the countless success stories I’ve heard, it’s clear that Structure and Style for Students is in a league of its own.
Uncovering the truth: potential drawbacks and solutions of using IEW
Now, let’s talk about some of the things you may have heard about Structure and Style that might make you hesitate. I’m here to set the record straight and offer some solutions to address these concerns head-on.
So, don’t let these concerns hold you back. The true value of this program might not show up during the first few months, but if you take our example and trust the process, I guarantee you will see real growth in your children’s writing. And don’t forget IEW has a satisfaction guarantee, so you can get your money back if you really end up hating it. But if you are here, reading so far, I am sure you’ll love the program as much as we do!
Wrapping up the journey – the end of our IEW curriculum review series
We’ve reached the end of this incredible six-part series exploring IEW’s writing curriculum. I hope you’ve been convinced of the potential SSS has for your family.
From my own experience, I can confidently say that this curriculum stands head and shoulders above the rest. It breaks down the writing process into clear, step-by-step instructions that are not only easy to follow but also incredibly effective. And the best part is that SSS focuses on nurturing the whole writer, ensuring kids not only improve their writing skills but also build confidence and shift their mindset when it comes to writing.
If you have any questions for me, I am happy to discuss more! Write a comment below and I will get back to you!
This post may contain affiliate links. By making a purchase through these links, I get a small percentage for the item you bought while the price stays the same for you. Thank you for supporting me.
Read my Disclosure to find out more about how I support my website and how you can help.
I just wanted to comment, I love your blog and reviews. I’ve homeschooled for 3 years, then my kids tried PS for a year and now my now 6th grader is back to homeschooling. He’s advanced/gifted, and as he gets older I feel more and more worried I’m not equipped, haha! I’ve referenced your blog SO much because I find myself using the same curriculum choices you have, without it being intentional. But your reviews are so helpful when I google a product and find your review! This one is just as helpful (if not more so, as we are new to IEW SS)! Thank you!!
Oh, Tiffany! This made my day.. my week! ❤️ It’s one of those comments that makes me feel so seen and heard and I am happy beyond words when I hear that my insights help other families!
SSS is an amazing curriculum! Marc just started their live classes and I will come back with a review around those. But trust the process with this program and I guarantee your son will benefit from it! Feel free to reach out to me by e-mail too, anytime! I’m happy to talk about anything related to gifted kids and curriculum.