online singapore math program- esingapore math review

Online Singapore Math Made Easy | eSingapore Math Review

Inside: Feeling overwhelmed teaching Singapore math at home? Read this eSingapore Math review! This online Singapore math program makes learning fun and easy for kids and stress-free for parents.

Ever feel like teaching math is more of a chore than a learning experience? I get it – you’re not alone. Math skills can be tough to teach, especially when it comes to Singapore math. But here’s some good news: eSingapore Math is here to make our lives a bit easier.

So, what’s the deal with eSingapore Math? Simply put, it’s an online version of the Singapore math curriculum that’s designed to make our lives easier and our kids’ learning more fun. It’s like having a math tutor right in your living room, minus the awkward small talk and scheduling nightmares.

Now, I’ve been using Singapore math for six years with Marc. When we hit the higher-level math and switched to Mr. D Math, I was beyond relieved to have some extra support. But for the younger grades? I still prefer a mix of books and digital resources. That’s why eSingapore Math caught my eye – it’s like the best of both worlds.

Here’s something cool about eSingapore Math: it doesn’t just work with only one textbook. It actually lines up with several Singapore math curricula, including the popular Singapore Math and Math in Focus programs. This means you’re getting a thorough approach that covers all the important stuff.

But before we get into the details of eSingapore Math, let’s talk about why Singapore math is such a big deal to begin with.

eSingapore Math Review- online singapore math program

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Basics of the Singapore math Approach and Why It Works

So, why is everyone raving about Singapore math?

Well, it’s not just because Singapore consistently tops the charts in international math tests (though that’s pretty impressive). It’s because their approach to teaching math actually makes sense.

For over 25 years, international benchmark studies have shown that Singapore students consistently achieve top rankings and develop a deep mastery of math, as highlighted by TIMSS and PISA data. What’s their secret? A well-designed math curriculum!

Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) Progression

This is the secret sauce of Singapore math. It’s a three-step approach that helps kids really get math concepts:

  • Concrete: Kids start by playing with actual objects. Think blocks, coins, or even candy (yum!).
  • Pictorial: Next, they draw pictures to represent those objects. (model drawing)
  • Abstract: Finally, they use numbers and symbols.

It’s like climbing a ladder – each step builds on the last, making tricky math concepts way easier to grasp.

Singapore math curriculum dimensions math concrete pictorial abstract method
Singapore math curriculum dimensions math concrete pictorial abstract method
Singapore math curriculum dimensions math concrete pictorial abstract method

Problem-Solving Superpowers

Singapore math isn’t about memorizing a bunch of formulas. It’s about understanding why things work. Kids learn to think critically and solve problems creatively. Trust me, these skills come in handy way beyond math class.

Bar Modeling Magic

This is a cool visual tool that makes word problems less scary. Kids draw bars to represent quantities, making it easier to see relationships and solve problems step-by-step. It’s like having a secret decoder for math problems!

Mastery, Not Just Memorization

In Singapore math, kids spend more time on each topic, making sure they really understand it before moving on. It’s not about racing through concepts – it’s about building a rock-solid foundation.

Practice Makes Perfect (But Not Boring)

While mastery is the goal, Singapore math doesn’t skimp on practice. There’s plenty of review built in, but it’s done in a way that keeps kids engaged and helps them remember what they’ve learned.

Now, here’s where eSingapore Math comes in…

online singapore math curriculum- esingapore math review

What is eSingapore Math?

Alright, so now that we know why Singapore math is so awesome, let’s talk about eSingapore Math. There are various Singapore math programs available, but eSingapore Math offers a unique digital approach. It’s like Singapore math got a digital makeover – all the good stuff, but now it’s online and interactive.

eSingapore Math is designed for kids from Kindergarten through 5th grade. It takes all those great Singapore math methods and puts them into a format that’s easier for both kids and parents to use. No more lugging around heavy textbooks or trying to decipher confusing instructions!

eSingapore Math review

One of the main benefits of our Singapore Math program for homeschool is that parents can leave teaching math entirely to our virtual curriculum. 

eSingapore Math
esingapore math review - online singapore math

eSingapore Math: A Comprehensive and User-Friendly Math Learning Platform

So what makes eSingapore Math stand out from the rest? This platform offers a range of features designed to make learning math not only easier to teach and learn but also more fun and rewarding.

One of the main benefits of eSingapore Math for homeschoolers is that parents can leave the bulk of math teaching to the virtual curriculum. This can be a huge relief, especially if math isn’t your strong suit or if you’re juggling teaching multiple subjects.

Another cool thing about eSingapore Math is that it doesn’t just work with one textbook. It actually aligns with several Singapore math curricula, including the popular Singapore Primary Mathematics, Dimensions Math and Math in Focus 2020 programs. This means you’re getting a thorough approach that covers all the important stuff, no matter which specific Singapore math curriculum you prefer.

⭐️ Adaptive Learning Technology

eSingapore Math uses adaptive learning technology. Fancy name, but it just means the program adjusts to how your kid is doing.

If they’re breezing through fractions but struggling with geometry, the program will give them more geometry practice. It’s like having a personal math tutor who knows exactly what your child needs.

esingapore math review - adaptive learning technology

⭐️ Easy-to-Use Interface

The interface is super easy to use. Even if you’re not tech-savvy (no judgment here!), you and your kids can navigate through lessons without pulling your hair out. There’s even audio support for younger kids or those who struggle with reading.

⭐️ Comprehensive Testing

eSingapore Math uses different types of tests to ensure students are learning effectively and to spot areas where they might need extra help:

  • Placement Tests: Figures out where your child should start.
  • Intervention Tests: Spots areas where they might need extra help.
  • Grade-Level Assessments: Checks overall progress.

Don’t worry – these aren’t high-pressure exams. They’re more like checkpoints to make sure your child is getting what they need.

⭐️ Structured Lessons

Each lesson follows a clear structure:

  • Learn: Watch a short video with a cartoon character explaining the concept.
  • Assisted Practice: Do some simple exercises to reinforce what was taught.
  • Benchmark Practice: Tackle more challenging problems.
  • Application Game: Play a fun game that uses the new skill.
eSingapore Math Review- online singapore math curriculum

⭐️ Progress Tracking

Kids can see their own progress with cool badges and achievement trackers. It’s like leveling up in a video game, but they’re actually learning math. Sneaky, right?

⭐️ Flexible Learning Paths

eSingapore Math offers flexible learning paths. Your child can follow the adaptive sequence tailored to their needs, or you can pick specific lessons to work on. This makes it great as a full curriculum or just for extra practice.

⭐️ Minimal Parental Involvement

One of the best things about eSingapore Math is that it doesn’t require you to be a math whiz. Once it’s set up, kids can work through lessons on their own. But don’t worry – there are detailed lesson plans and teaching tips if you want to be more involved.

⭐️ Detailed Reports

You get easy-to-read reports that show where your child is excelling and where they might need more help. It’s like having a parent-teacher conference whenever you want, minus the awkward small talk.

esingapore math review- online singapore curriculum

⭐️ Affordable and Risk-Free Trial

eSingapore Math offers a 5-day free trial, so you can test it out without any risk (NOTE: They ask for a credit card so cancel your subscription before the 5 days of trial if you don’t want to continue with this). The yearly subscription is around $99, with discounts for additional children. Not bad for a full year of math, right?

⭐️ Unique Features

Portability: Since it’s online, your child can access eSingapore Math from any device with internet. Math practice at grandma’s house? No problem!

Growth Mindset: eSingapore Math encourages a positive attitude toward learning by promoting a growth mindset. Supportive messages like “Don’t worry, you’ll learn this soon” help students stay motivated and resilient when they make mistakes.

Remember, while eSingapore Math is a great tool, it’s still important to incorporate hands-on activities and real-world math applications in your homeschooling. The program provides a solid foundation, but nothing beats counting actual objects or measuring ingredients for a recipe to reinforce those math concepts in the real world.

esingapore math - online singapore math curriculum review

How to Use eSingapore Math (Without Losing Your Mind)

Now let’s talk about how to actually use eSingapore Math in your homeschooling. Don’t worry – it’s not as complicated as assembling IKEA furniture, and the results last a lot longer!

As Your Main Math

If you’re looking for a full math curriculum that won’t make you tear your hair out, eSingapore Math might be your new best friend. Here’s what you get:

  • A step-by-step guide from Kindergarten through 5th grade (because who doesn’t love a good roadmap?)
  • Over 1,000 online lessons and 30,000 problem sets (I know, that’s a lot of math. But hey, practice makes perfect!)
  • Every math concept under the sun, thoroughly covered
  • All the bells and whistles: placement tests, video tutorials, practice exercises, and assessments

It’s perfect if you want a solid math program without having to become a Singapore math guru yourself. The program does all the heavy lifting, so you can focus on other important things… like figuring out what’s for dinner.

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As Your Math Sidekick

Maybe you’re more of a textbook fan. No worries! eSingapore Math plays well with others. Use it to:

  • Tackle those concepts that make your kid’s eyes glaze over
  • Give extra practice (without the extra whining)
  • Zero in on tricky lessons

It’s like having a math tutor on speed dial, minus the hefty hourly rate.

How Involved Do You Want to Be?

eSingapore Math is flexible. It’s like that friend who’s up for anything:

  • Want to be hands-on? The short tutorials can guide you through each lesson.
  • Prefer to be more hands-off? Let your kid loose on the program while you monitor their progress through the reports. It’s like having eyes in the back of your head, but for math.
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Getting Started Without Pulling Your Hair Out

  1. Take the placement test. It’s like a GPS for your kid’s math journey.
  2. Set a schedule. Daily? A few times a week? Whatever works for your circus… I mean, family.
  3. Mix it up with real-world math. Baking cookies counts as math practice, right?
  4. Check those progress reports. It’s like a report card, but without the school picture day trauma.
  5. Be flexible. If something’s not clicking, switch it up. Math shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth.
  6. Celebrate wins! Did your kid master fractions? Break out the dance moves!

Remember, there’s no one “right” way to do this homeschool thing. eSingapore Math is like a Swiss Army knife for math – use it however it works best for you and your kids. Whether it’s your main math weapon or just backup, it’s there to help your kids crush those math concepts and feel like total math rockstars.

Comparison with Traditional Singapore Math

Alright, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of traditional Singapore math books versus eSingapore Math. As a mom who’s been in the trenches with Singapore math for years, I’ve got some thoughts!

So let me break down the differences between traditional Singapore math books and eSingapore Math, based on my experience.

Books vs. Online

For younger kids, I’m a fan of traditional books. There’s something about writing and drawing in a workbook that really helps reinforce learning. In the early grades, having a physical book can make a big difference in understanding and remembering concepts. Plus, it’s easy to use hands-on materials like blocks or counters with books, which is crucial for the concrete stage of Singapore math.

eSingapore Math brings all this into a digital format. It’s interactive and visually appealing, with colorful animations and exercises that keep kids engaged. But it does miss out on that tactile experience that books and manipulatives provide. This can be a drawback for younger kids who learn best by physically handling objects. The good news? You can easily solve this by adding in real manipulatives like Cuisenaire Rods.

esingapore math manipulatives

Let’s compare the benefits and drawbacks of traditional books and eSingapore Math so you can choose the one that works best for you—or perhaps a combination of both!


  • Tangible Learning: Kids can write, draw, and handle books, reinforcing what they learn.
  • Less Screen Time: Gives kids a break from devices and promotes diverse learning activities.
  • Customizable: It’s easy to adapt lessons and focus on specific areas using different materials.

eSingapore Math:

  • Interactive Learning: Engages kids with colorful animations and interactive exercises.
  • Adaptive Technology: Adjusts to each student’s pace and provides instant feedback.
  • Detailed Progress Reports: Gives parents clear insights into their child’s progress and areas needing improvement.

In a nutshell, books offer a hands-on, customizable experience with less screen time, while eSingapore Math provides interactive, adaptive learning with detailed progress tracking. The interactive nature of eSingapore Math can be a great help for students who struggle with traditional textbooks.

My two cents? Consider using both. Combine physical manipulatives with the digital platform to get the best of both worlds. It’s all about finding what works best for you and your child.

Pros and Cons of eSingapore Math

Alright, let’s get real about eSingapore Math.

Even though Marc’s outgrown it at 13, I’ve taken a good look at the program to give you the lowdown. Here’s my take on what’s hot and what’s not, based on what I’ve seen and why I think it could’ve been a game-changer when Marc was younger.

The Good Stuff

Self-Paced Learning – eSingapore Math lets kids work at their own speed, which is pretty awesome. Got a tricky concept? Take your time. Breezing through easy stuff? Zoom ahead. It’s like having a math program that actually gets your kid’s learning style.

Hands-Off for Parents – As a working homeschool mom, I totally get the appeal of a program that doesn’t need me hovering 24/7. Once it’s set up, kids can navigate on their own. Imagine knowing your kid’s getting solid math instruction without you having to be the math guru. Bliss!

Visual and Interactive – The visuals in eSingapore Math are pretty sweet. For kids who learn by seeing, the colorful animations and interactive exercises are a big win. And that Digit Droid game? It might actually make kids excited about math. (I know, crazy, right?)

Detailed Reports – eSingapore Math gives you the scoop on your kid’s progress without you having to play detective. You can easily spot where they’re crushing it and where they might need a little extra love.

Won’t Break the Bank – At around $99 a year with discounts for siblings, eSingapore Math won’t have you eating ramen for dinner. Plus, there’s a 5-day free trial (just watch out for that credit card requirement) so you can test drive before committing.

esingapore math review- online singapore math curriculum

The Not So Great Stuff

No Offline Options – One bummer is the lack of offline resources. No printable problems or workbooks. This could be a pain if your kid likes to work things out on paper, especially for tricky stuff like bar models.

Missing the Human Touch – It’s all online, all the time. No live teacher to chat with. While it’s user-friendly, some kids might miss that human interaction and on-the-spot feedback.

More Screen Time – Like any online program, it means more screen time for your kiddo. If you’re trying to limit that, especially for the younger ones, this might be a concern.

The Concrete Step Gets Tricky – Singapore math is big on the concrete-pictorial-abstract progression. But the concrete step (you know, the hands-on part) can get lost in the digital shuffle unless you buy extra materials. Without physical stuff to manipulate, you might miss out on some of that crucial hands-on learning.

Personal Reflection and Recommendations

Look, if math was my kryptonite and I wanted to stick with Singapore methods without becoming a math guru myself, I’d definitely consider eSingapore Math as a full curriculum. It’s got the structure and engagement factor down pat.

But for the little ones? I’d use it more as a sidekick than the main superhero. Those early years are golden for hands-on learning, and nothing beats a good old textbook for that. Throw in some Cuisenaire Rods or other manipulatives (check out for some great ideas), and you’ve got a math party going on!

When Marc hit the big leagues of math, we switched to Mr. D Math. While we didn’t use eSingapore Math, I can see how it could’ve been a lifesaver during those elementary years, especially for those mind-bending concepts that set the stage for harder stuff later.

Here’s the thing: nailing those basic math concepts early on is like building a solid foundation for a house. eSingapore Math is great, but mix it up with traditional methods and hands-on learning, and you’re setting your kids up for math success.

Let’s be real – I wouldn’t rely solely on any online platform for teaching young kids math (or reading, for that matter). These early years are crucial, and while eSingapore Math is a fantastic tool, nothing beats that face-to-face, hands-on teaching.

So, use all the tools in your homeschool toolbox, but don’t let screens do all the heavy lifting, okay?

And if you want to see inside the program, check my YouTube video below:

To Wrap

eSingapore Math is like a Swiss Army knife for homeschool math – it’s flexible, engaging, and comprehensive. It’s great for building those foundational skills and boosting math confidence. The convenience factor is off the charts, and the fact that it doesn’t require you to be a math whiz is a big plus.

From where I’m standing, eSingapore Math shines brightest as a supplement to traditional teaching methods. For the younger crowd, I’d mix it with books and hands-on stuff for a well-rounded math experience. If you’re after a math program that’s engaging, flexible, and doesn’t require you to be on math duty 24/7, eSingapore Math is definitely worth a look.

My advice? Take that free trial for a spin. It might just be the secret ingredient your homeschool math curriculum needs. Who knows? It could be the thing that helps your kid build that rock-solid math foundation. Happy calculating!

best tools for homeschool

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