literary adventures for kids review- online book clubs

A Literary Adventures for Kids Review | Online Book Clubs

Inside: See how the online book clubs from Literary Adventures for Kids transformed our homeschool literature experience. Read my full review to see how this online program can help you turn reading into an exciting adventure again.

I’ve always believed that book clubs needed a physical presence to be successful. So, when I first heard about Literary Adventures for Kids, I approached it with a dash of skepticism. Could online book clubs really engage Marc on the right levels and bring the joy of going beyond reading (into the world of literary analysis)?

We live in an area where access to in-person book clubs is limited. The idea of an online alternative intrigued me but I was also skeptical it would work. Despite my doubts, I decided to give it a try, and I soon realized what a valuable tool this program could be for homeschoolers, especially those like us who don’t have access to these activities in real life.

The truth is that this program has changed the way we approach reading (and literature). It has turned what could be considered a solitary activity into something engaging and interactive.

In this Literary Adventures for Kids review, I’ll share our experiences and why it has become our favorite way to approach literature and book reports. I’ll walk you through the features, benefits, and what makes this program stand out.

literary adventures for kids review- online book clubs for homeschoolers

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About Literary Adventures for Kids

Literary Adventures for Kids is an online literature program designed for children of all ages, from PreK to high school.

It’s based on the Charlotte Mason educational philosophy, emphasizing rich literary experiences and hands-on learning. Each month, there is one live book club session, making it easy for kids to stay on track and fully engage with each book.

This program aims to move reading from being a chore to becoming something exciting, helping kids make connections between what they read and what they already know, fostering long-term retention.

Education should be a living, breathing, tangible experience.

Dachelle, literary adventures for kids
online book clubs for homeschoolers - literary adventures for kids review

What Literary Adventures Clubs Offer:

  • For All Ages: This program caters to everyone from pre-kindergarten to high school students. Whether you have a young reader just starting out or a teenager ready to dive into complex texts, there’s something for every age level.
  • Charlotte Mason Based: The program follows the Charlotte Mason method, emphasizing learning through rich literature and interactive activities.
  • Monthly Live Book Clubs: Every month, there’s a live book club session focusing on a new book. These sessions bring the reading experience to life and encourage kids to participate actively.
  • Wide Selection: With over 80 book clubs available, there’s always a new adventure waiting. From classic novels to contemporary stories, the variety ensures that every child can find something they love.
  • Poetry Teatime: A special monthly event that encourages creativity and expression through poetry where kids are encouraged to share their favorite poems or write their own.
  • Engaging Activities: The program includes hands-on projects that go beyond just reading. These activities help kids make connections between the book and their own experiences, making learning more meaningful and memorable.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Literary Adventures Club can be used as a full language arts curriculum or as a supplement. It covers grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension in a way that’s engaging and fun.

Parental Support:

One of the biggest advantages of Literary Adventures for Kids is the support it provides to parents. Sure, you could try doing it yourself, but planning a comprehensive reading curriculum can be time-consuming and overwhelming. This program takes care of everything, from selecting appropriate books to creating lesson plans. It handles all the tedious work!

You also get two grading rubrics to help with your own grading, and there’s the option to send your child’s work for feedback from a teacher. The program provides lesson plans and a pacing guide to help you finish a book in four weeks, along with activities and projects for each book.

Program Components:

  1. Literary Adventures Clubhouse: This component is designed for elementary school and middle school students. It offers a range of book clubs and activities that are perfect for younger learners.
  2. Literary Adventure Society: This is aimed at high school students, providing more advanced literary analysis and projects suitable for older kids.
literary adventures for kids review

Inside the Literary Adventures Clubhouse

The Literary Adventures Clubhouse is the program we have access to and are reviewing in this blog post. It is aimed at elementary school and middle school students.

The Literary Adventures Clubhouse offers both self-paced and live classes once a week, with recordings available if you miss a session.

You can either purchase book clubs individually or get a membership that provides access for your entire family. The membership includes not only elementary and middle school book clubs but also the Nature Book Club for younger kids.

The membership also includes the Poetry Teatime, which is exclusive to members and not sold separately. These are special sessions where kids bring tea and snacks, share poems they love or have written themselves, and enjoy a relaxed, encouraging environment. Plus, there are lots of other bonuses like exclusive printables and resources.

In the live classes, there are usually between 5-10 kids, and Dachelle does an amazing job keeping everyone engaged and participating. The small group size helps create a sense of community and makes it easier for kids to connect with each other.

When you join the Clubhouse, you get access to everything, including printables like planners, book lists, and guides (such as the free Guide to Teach Shakespeare). There are even paid printables included, like The Scientific Method Worksheet. If you want a comprehensive scientific method unit study, I have a blog post you can read about that too.

free guide to teach shakespeare- literary adventures for kids

Unique Elements of the Clubhouse:

  • Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar: Structured lessons that cover all the key components of language arts and literary elements.
  • Rabbit Trails Of Discovery: These are fascinating explorations that spin off from the book. For example, if a book mentions a historical event, you might watch a video or read additional material about that topic. It’s a great way to delve deeper into various subjects that come up in the book. In The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, one rabbit trail includes a video on the evacuation of children in London during World War II, offering historical context to the story.
  • Magic Dust: These are hands-on projects that relate to the book. You might find yourself drawing, sketching, cooking, or doing other fun activities that make the story come alive. For The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, activities included sketching Mr. Tumnus, the White Witch’s castle, and making Turkish delight.
  • End-of-Book Party: At the end of each book club, there’s a party to celebrate finishing the book. This can be as simple or elaborate as you want, but it’s a fun way to wrap up the reading adventure. For example, after reading The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, kids might create a travel brochure for Narnia. Dachelle offers lots of tips, ideas, and templates to  help with the writing project and other details.

Features of the Clubhouse:

  1. Community: A supportive and interactive environment where kids can share their thoughts and ideas.
  2. Google Calendar: Keeps you organized with all the important dates and deadlines.
  3. Monthly Book Clubs: New books and activities every month to keep things fresh and exciting.
  4. Bonus Live Interactions on Zoom: Extra sessions for more in-depth discussions and activities.
  5. Workshops for Parents: Helps parents navigate the program and get the most out of it.
literary adventures for kids review monkeyandmom

Poetry Teatime

Poetry Teatime is one of the standout features of Literary Adventures for Kids, and it’s a huge hit in our home. These sessions happen about once a month and are all about making poetry fun and accessible. Kids are asked to bring tea and snacks, or whatever their favorite treat might be, creating a cozy, inviting atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

What I love most about Poetry Teatime is how it encourages participation. Dachelle does an amazing job of making everyone feel comfortable sharing. Kids are invited to share poems they enjoy or ones they’ve written themselves, fostering a sense of community and creativity.

But it’s not just about reading poetry; it’s also about writing it. For instance, Dachelle had sessions where kids would write diamante poems. She provided templates and thorough explanations, ensuring that every child, regardless of their experience, can successfully create their own poem. Nothing is assumed, and everything is explained patiently, which is fantastic for building confidence.

One of the sessions even focused on Shakespearean poetry, showing that the program doesn’t shy away from challenging material. This variety helps keep things interesting and allows kids to explore a wide range of poetic styles and forms.

Another great aspect of Poetry Teatime is the brainstorming. Kids get to share ideas and get exposed to different perspectives, which is incredibly enriching. It’s a wonderful way for them to learn from each other and expand their creative thinking.

Poetry Teatime is a fun, engaging, and educational component of Literary Adventures Clubhouse. It’s an excellent way to make poetry enjoyable and accessible for kids of all ages.

Poetry Teatime - Literary Adventures for Kids Review by monkeyandmom

What I Love About Literary Adventures for Kids

There are so many things I love about Literary Adventures for Kids, and I’d like to highlight a few key aspects that make this program truly special.

Ease of Use

One of the first things that struck me was how easy it is to use. Dachelle has put together a comprehensive walkthrough course that explains everything in detail. It includes video guides and step-by-step instructions. At first, it might seem overwhelming because there’s so much included in the membership, but the walkthrough and onboarding email sequence are incredibly helpful in getting you started.

Connecting with Kids

Dachelle has a fantastic way of connecting with kids. She seamlessly integrates literary theory into conversations. For instance, while discussing The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, she casually mentioned that it’s an allegory, a story within a story. She also draws parallels with other popular books pr movies like Harry Potter or Star Wars, making the material more relatable and engaging for the kids.

Priceless Discussions

The opportunity to hear other kids’ opinions on specific books and have discussions is invaluable. Kids are encouraged to share their work and present it, which builds confidence and fosters a sense of community. They also discuss authors’ backgrounds and points of view.

Read Aloud Fun

Dachelle’s choice of read-aloud sections to illustrate literary concepts is another highlight. These sections help kids understand complex ideas in a simple, engaging way. She often dresses up as characters during the weekly meetings, adding an extra layer of fun and engagement.

Literary Adventures for Kids Review- Dachelle

Teaching Background

Dachelle’s teaching background shines through in every aspect of the program. She is excellent at keeping kids engaged and explaining concepts that might seem dry and boring in ways that are vivid and interesting. Her explanations of imagery, setting, and description are particularly effective.

Managing Assignments

She also has a knack for breaking down larger assignments into manageable parts, so kids don’t feel overwhelmed. This approach helps them stay on track and feel accomplished as they complete each section.

Interactive Games

In some of the meetings, they play games related to the story, which encourages kids to make connections and think critically. They even write silly stories together, which is a great way to brainstorm and have fun while learning.

Additional Features

Instructor Support:

Monthly live instructor office hours via Voxer for feedback and support is another feature appreciated by many users. This allows for personalized guidance and the opportunity to address specific questions or concerns directly with Dachelle.

Variety of Titles and Self-Paced Learning:

The extensive selection of book titles and the option for self-paced learning allow for a highly customizable experience, catering to different interests and schedules. This flexibility is a significant advantage for homeschooling families with varying needs and preferences.

Integration of Other Subjects:

The program’s integration of other subjects such as history, science, and culture through its rabbit trails and parallel studies enhances the learning experience. For instance, exploring historical events mentioned in a book or learning about different cultures adds depth and context to the reading material.

online book clubs- narnia


After fully immersing ourselves into Literary Adventures for Kids, my initial skepticism has completely vanished. Marc has completed The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and loved it so much!

Dachelle’s connection with kids, the variety of book clubs, the interactive elements like Rabbit Trails and Magic Dust, and the engaging Poetry Teatimes have all contributed to bringing literature to life.

Literary Adventures for Kids offers a unique, flexible, and highly engaging way to study literature. It has brought joy and excitement to our literature classes and provided us with a community where we can share and learn together.

I highly recommend Literary Adventures for Kids to any homeschool family looking to enrich their language arts curriculum.

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